Transformative project @ 1660 Niagara Street

1660 Niagara Street – Public Paddlesport Launch

At the February meeting, Leah Pabst, a Project Manager at Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper, provided us with a status on the progress being made on the 1660 Niagara Street Project. 

Riverkeeper and the Site owner, The Buffalo Niagara River Land Trust, are partnering to administer this project, which is currently entering the New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP).  The BCP process will take approximately one to two years to complete, and after this, the site will subsequently be developed into a public access paddlesport launch, with multiple tiers of habitat restoration over the majority of the site.  Pollinator meadows in the upland area of the site will provide valuable habitat and maintain a natural aesthetic, while the shoreline areas of the site will have riparian and emergent habitat restored in the vicinity of the paddlesport launch area.