Funding for Broderick Park

Mayor Byron Brown announced the inclusion of funding for Broderick Park in a press conference on November 12th. We’re delighted that the capital budget will include a public art initiative over $400,000. Friends of Broderick Park (FOBP) has a public art committee that has been working with the Buffalo Arts Commission on this and other public art possibilities for the park. We will have more information about that soon!

In addition, the capital budget will include much needed safety fencing for Broderick Park. FOBP has been advocating for this and other safety features needed at the beautiful park. Visitors to the park may have noticed (especially those trying to keep youngsters safe) that much erosion has occurred around the fence along the river, so much so that a child could easily roll under and be swept away. The Army Corps of Engineers has been studying the erosion for years….many years. We’re happy that the city has stepped up to take care of this issue since the Army Corps will probably not resolve this for years to come.

In the photo above, George Johnson (FOBP’s fearless leader) is offering comments at the press conference. Vision Niagara is an active member of FOBP, as is Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, Buffalo United Front and other organizations