Category Archives: Environment

BuffaloState Students

Lovin’ Those Volunteers!

Bengal’s Day of Caring

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Vision Niagara welcomed a crew from Buffalo State College for their Bengal’s Day of Caring. This terrific crew came out and learned about Niagara Street’s stormwater planters and green infrastructure from Scott Steinwald of the Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA). BSA was involved in the design of the planters and now has a terrific workforce program that handles the maintenance. Students participated in a cleanup of one Robert Rich Way and Broderick Park and learned about this terminus of the Underground Railroad from Tonya Davis of Vision Niagara. The Underground Railroad exhibit in the concession stand was open, so they toured that as well. Vision Niagara is thankful for the support of Buffalo State College in the care of these tremendous assets.

Emerald Shiner TLC

We recently learned that the Army Corps of Engineers will be initiating a project on Broderick Park that will slow the velocity of the current along the sea wall on the southern edge of the island. This will make it possible for the bitty fish, Emerald Shiners, to be more sustainable. Another benefit will be the reinforcement and repair for much of that seawall that has been deteriorating and causing erosion on the island. Baffles will be installed as seen in the illustration. Work will begin this summer and plans are for completion by the end of 2021.

For more information about Emerald Shiners, check out Buffalo State’s webpage.

Army Corps Engineer Timothy Noon:

The Emerald Shiner Passage Structure Demonstration Project seeks to improve habitat connectivity for the Emerald Shiner between the Niagara River and Lake Erie, adjacent to Broderick Park in the City of Buffalo.  This project is being undertaken in partnership with the US EPA as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). The Emerald Shiner plays a critical role in the Lake Erie food web, and the fish and bird populations that depend on them.  The Niagara River velocity currently causes a barrier to the Emerald Shiner, however this project seeks to demonstrate innovative technology to allow for fish passage into Lake Erie.  The intent is to help restore fish and wildlife populations in the Niagara River and Lake Erie, while sustaining and improving the unique features of our local environment, and more specifically Broderick Park.

Broderick the Beautiful (with help)!

We’ve been collaborating with lots of partners to Brush Up Broderick Park. Can you spare a little time on Saturday, April 24? We’ll be there beginning at 10:00 am, weeding and spreading mulch. It’s looking so good and we want to make it shine for the summer season! Covid has shown how essential this park is to our community. Please help us make it better than ever!

Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper Shoreline Sweep includes Broderick Park as part of their clean up on May 1st. If you missed signing up for that, join us on April 24th!

Remember: masks and safe distancing is still necessary! Contact us at: if you have questions!

By the way, Friends of Broderick Park has plans for summer events, including Food Trucks! Stay tuned.