Work will begin this summer on improvements to the Jesse Kregal Pathway. John Bidell, city engineer with Buffalo’s Department of Public Works, was very kind to walk the path with two of our board members to describe the changes to come. Also joining us, were Phil Galbo and Tom Buckley from Watts Engineering.
The illustration above shows before and after of the western head of the trail. Note, however, the blue surface will not be part of the changes.
We will see lighting installed at a few locations. The chain link fencing that is overgrown with weeds will be replaced with a cable fence which will make maintenance efforts easier. See current status in photos below.

Cable fencing will eliminate some of this sort of vandalism – a determined person can just crawl through!
Other changes include a new access road, again to ease maintenance loads but also will be a new way for folks to get to the path.
Changes will allow pedestrians and bicyclists to navigate easily around the Army Corps of Engineers which now closes off part of the path on weekends. New signage will ease the confusion of navigation. It should be clear where folks can choose between the new bike lanes on Niagara Street and the path.
And this lovely but sad historical marker will be refurbished!

We’ll all have to be patient! The path will be closed while the work is going on – if all goes well, we’ll have a sparkly Jesse Kregal Pathway to enjoy late summer or early fall! Jesse would have been so pleased!
A big thanks to Andy Rabb, City of Buffalo Deputy Commissioner Parks and Recreation, for spearheading this project!